
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Real Grey Alien Caught on Tape (VERY SCARY)

A supposed real grey alien caught on tape at the side of a road in California. Is this footage finally proof that grey aliens are visiting Earth? Has the alien invasion already begun? The man who filmed this video claimed he was driving his car at dusk, when he saw what he thought was a bear on the side of the road. After parking his car and getting out to investigate, a humanoid figure appeared to be standing in the woods. Immediately, the man pulled out his cell phone and began to film the strange and mysterious creature that many have claimed to be an alien. The creature fit all the characteristics and traits of what is known as a grey alien. A grey alien is a supposed species of alien that is responsible for the many alleged alien abductions. What do you think? Is this video proof that aliens are visiting Earth? Please leave your thoughts on this grey alien caught on tape in the comments!

5 Mysterious Creatures Caught by NASA on Mars

We look at 5 Mysterious Creatures Caught by NASA on Mars. From supposed humanoid aliens to what look like giant alien crabs on Mars, some mysterious creatures have been caught by NASA on Mars. Humanoid aliens haven't been the only alleged creatures caught on camera on Mars. What look like squirrels, rats, and lizards have also been found on the red planet and some think these creatures may not be proof of alien life on Mars, but rather evidence that NASA is bringing animals to Mars.