
Saturday, January 23, 2016

7 Homemade Helicopters

Today on ApexTV we look at 7 amazing homemade helicopters. From helicopters made by farmers in China, to low budget Zimbabwe 'copters, there have been some amazing homemade helicopters built.

20 Photos Taken Seconds Before Disaster

Today on ApexTV we take a look at 20 Photos Taken Seconds Before Disaster. From pictures of fighter jets about to crash into the ground to photos of people about to fall into pools, there have been tons of photos taken seconds before disaster.

12 Amazing Diving Suits

Humans have been diving into the sea for hundreds of years, and along the way we have created some incredibly amazing diving suits that enable us to dive underwater for extended periods of time.

12 - Metal Diving Suit From the 1930s

This amazing diving suit is said to enable divers to descend to depths of up to 1,200 feet!

11 - Inflatable Diving Suit

It doesn't appear as if this suit does much in terms of enabling divers to breath, but it looks like you could sure come up in a hurry!

10 - Deep Diving Suit From Historical Society

This deep diving suit is from the historical society of Washington D.C.

9 - Atmospheric Diving Suits

8 - Submarine Escape Suits

7 - 1911 Aluminum Alloy Diving Suit

This amazing aluminum alloy diving suit was made in 1911 by Chester E. Macduffe.

6 - Chauncy Hall Diving Suit

5 - Regenerating Diving Suit Concept

4 - Edwardian Couple, One Being in a Diving Suit

3 - Diving Suit of 1715

2 - Diving Suit of 1797

1 - Diving Suit Designed by Leonardo Da Vince

Thank you for reading our list of the 12 most amazing diving suits!